Designer: 何汶燦 陳冠志
Road Composition drone is a drone that can help Road surface marking operations. Originally, workers use ropes to draw out the patterns slowly to do the road surface marking operations; therefore, it had been not only consumed a lot of time and manpower in this process, but also make human errors which may occur during the operation. Road Composition Drone may improves this problem.

First, the Road Composition Drone will fly to a high place to project the path of the marking job on the ground, and then perform positioning processing. After that, the Road Composition Drone will fly down to the ground and perform the path drawing work. In this way, the road surface marking operation will reduce human error, and also being more efficiency.

Roads are everywhere. Is one of the most direct products of human interaction with its environment. It has many impacts on society and ecology, and has become an important part of the human life landscape.
The marking of roads helped regulate the movement of people and goods. Economy and trade develop without violating the mark. Therefore, with the rapid increase of road paved mileage, it is undoubtedly a challenge for researchers and designers to improve the process and time of line drawing.